La lectura es un aspecto fundamental en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Existen ciertos beneficios fundamentales que traen aparejada la lectura y comprensión de textos en esta lengua. Entre estos beneficios, podemos destacar:
A) Vocabulario (Vocabulary)
Cuando se procede a leer un texto en inglés, se comprende una mayor cantidad de palabras y por ende se incrementa considerablemente el vocabulario adquirido en este idioma. Más importante aún, se logra que nuestro cerebro deduzca palabras nuevas del contexto antes de siquiera utilizar un diccionario (por supuesto que sea inglés-inglés). No solo se aprenden nuevas palabras sino que se repasan muchas otras que antes se habían aprendido y que al leer se consolidan mejor en nuestro propio vocabulario.
B) Gramática (Grammar)
Al leer un texto, no solo se logra identificar estructuras sino reforzar el uso de dichas estructuras a través del contexto. Muchas veces al estudiar diversas estructuras gramaticales, leemos solo temas relacionados a los objetivos de una unidad. La lectura permite ver como todas las diversas estructuras logran una armonía y hacen que forme un mensaje unificado. Se ven tiempos de pasado, presente y futuro en acción y esto es vital para formar fluidez y no estar limitados a patrones rígidos que hacen del inglés un curso sin dinámica.
C) Redacción (Writing)
Esta es una de las áreas más complicadas del aprendizaje del inglés. La lectura ayuda mucho a mejorar la redacción dado que al leer diversas frases, el cerebro las incorpora como modelos a reproducir en un futuro. Un ejemplo de ello son los emails de negocios. Si se leen estos correos de forma seguida, escribir un email resultará mucho más fácil.
D) Comprensión de Texto (Reading Comprehension)
La comprensión lectora representa una orientación fundamental para el desarrollo de las habilidades de pensamiento del ser humano; es decir, hablar, escuchar, leer y escribir. El proceso está encaminado hacia el inglés como lengua extranjera. Además, constituye un enfoque que sirve de referencia para ejecutar tanto los procesos educativos como formativos, a corto, mediano y largo plazo. Comprender lo que se lee está relacionado con la capacidad de entendimiento del estudiante en dicha lengua, y el saber hacer en un contexto determinado.
1) Lea el artículo y realice el ejercicio
The Circus Acrobat
Lucy Morgan, aged 30, used to be a London lawyer. Now she's an acrobat in a circus. Her conservative clothes have been replaced by a costume made from all things bright and sparkly. And a day once spent in court wading through weighty documents is now passed in a Big Top (= a circus tent) flying from ropes and swings.
Your average career move it is not. A childhood dream it certainly was not. 'No, not at all,' protests Lucy at the suggestion that she was once a little girl harbouring a secret desire to become a glamorous circus star. 'I did go to the circus a couple of times as a child. (1)... It certainly never gave me a burning ambition to join. At school I was a proper little swot and much more interested in books and studying than gymnastics.'
Lucy then embarked on her chosen profession as a lawyer. 'I ended up specializing in criminal defence. (2)... But I found it interesting and I considered myself good at my job.'
It was in her third year as a practising lawyer that a casual conversation with a friend led to a major turning point in Lucy's life. '(3)... I met up with a friend and she started talking about a place she had heard of in London called 'Circus Space', which ran evening courses in circus skills. I think the combination of a stressful day, along with a desire to try something a bit different, triggered my interest.'
'The evening classes were just the beginning,' she says enthusiastically, her eyes lighting up. '(4)... So I sent off a video of myself performing to 'L'Ecole Nationale de Cirque' in Canada. When I heard that I had been offered a place at their training school, I was pretty amazed. It is such a prestigious place and I still felt like a bit of a beginner. (5)... I already knew what I wanted and I just thought - okay, I'm going for it.'
Consigna: Elija la oración más adecuada para llenar cada espacio en el texto (1-5). A continuación, escriba el número apropiado junto a cada oración. Cinco de las frases no encajan en ninguno de los espacios. En ese caso, debe marcarlas con un 0 (cero).
But it didn't really make an overwhelming impression on me. ( )
This habit greatly puzzled my colleagues. ( )
I would finish work and rush off there to learn. ( )
The hours were long and the work often stressful. ( )
I knew I had to think more carefully about that. ( )
I had finished a typically hectic day at work. ( )
It does happen occasionally but it's very much an exception. ( )
I decided I wanted to take the whole thing further. ( )
That possibility caused me to lie awake at night thinking ( )
But that was it, there was no real doubt in my mind. ( )
Respuestas correctas:
But it didn't really make an overwhelming impression on me. ( 1 )
This habit greatly puzzled my colleagues. ( 0 )
I would finish work and rush off there to learn. ( 0 )
The hours were long and the work often stressful. ( 2 )
I knew I had to think more carefully about that. ( 0 )
I had finished a typically hectic day at work. ( 3 )
It does happen occasionally but it's very much an exception. ( 0 )
I decided I wanted to take the whole thing further. ( 4 )
That possibility caused me to lie awake at night thinking ( 0 )
But that was it, there was no real doubt in my mind. ( 5 )
2) Lea el artículo y realice el ejercicio
Buskers in London
Street entertainers, or buskers, have a long and honourable history in London dating back to Roman times. They were only subjected to the full force of the law in the 1860s, when an act prohibiting 'obstruction of the highway' was brought in.
(1)... Regulations prevent them from performing in the Underground. They are licensed in three areas of Covent Garden and are 'moved on' elsewhere at the discretion of the police. Busking in Covent Garden is regulated, and performers have to attend an audition for entertainment value and to ensure that their acts are not dangerous, offensive or a nuisance. A performer's pass entitles an artist to book four half-hour performances a week, and there are over 200 performers on the books.
(2)... 'Generally, our passengers don't like them,' claims a spokeswoman for London Underground, 'but our policy is constantly under review. If we could change the regulations and be sure of running a safe railway, we would do it! The safety of passengers and staff has to be our first consideration. Music on the Underground can drown out safety announcements and in an emergency it could be dangerous to have musicians and their equipment blocking exits. (3)... This is particularly true when buskers perform on trains.'
John Arno, who has been busking since 1977 and is the spokesman for the National Association of Street Entertainers, believes the safety angle is just an excuse. '(4)...
Passengers feel safer when there are buskers than when they have to walk down miles of deserted corridors. (5)... When I performed at the Tower of London, I chased a mugger. We are an extra pair of eyes and ears for the police.'
Consigna: Choose the most suitable sentence to fill each gap in the text (1-5). Type the appropriate number next to each sentence below. Five of the sentences do not fit into any of the gaps - mark these with a 0 (zero).
Elsewhere they don't get the same welcome. ( )
Buskers have been operating on the fringes of the law ever since. ( )
In some ways life is easier for buskers than it was. ( )
If there was an emergency, the buskers would be the first to pack up and leave. ( )
That would cut down on the numbers. ( )
They'd rather find their own place to perform and set their own hours. ( )
And buskers can work with the authorities. ( )
Some passengers also feel intimidated into handing over their money. ( )
To do so, they have to decide whether buskers should be welcomed or arrested. ( )
People who are good performers and put on a show don't want to be associated with them. ( )
Respuestas correctas:
Elsewhere they don't get the same welcome. ( 2 )
Buskers have been operating on the fringes of the law ever since. ( 1 )
In some ways life is easier for buskers than it was. ( 0 )
If there was an emergency, the buskers would be the first to pack up and leave. ( 4 )
That would cut down on the numbers. ( 0 )
They'd rather find their own place to perform and set their own hours. ( 0 )
And buskers can work with the authorities. ( 5 )
Some passengers also feel intimidated into handing over their money. ( 3 )
To do so, they have to decide whether buskers should be welcomed or arrested. ( 0 )
People who are good performers and put on a show don't want to be associated with
them. ( 0 )